Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

A Refuge for the Weary

While the political issues are complex, at Pulpit Rock our call to love is simple. The issue is not whether or not we should welcome refugees. Here is how Pulpit Rock is planning to love and serve the refugees already in – and coming to – our city.

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5th Sunday Family Worship

We’re trying out something new in our Children’s Ministry. Kingdom Kids will be not be meeting on the 5th Sundays to allow you to worship with our entire church body by attending service with your family. Here’s why.

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Feeding the Homeless: A Pulpit Rock Legacy

Have you ever wondered how to respond to Jesus’ story in Matthew 25 about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming strangers, visiting prisoners? Here’s one hands-on, local opportunity.

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So You Might Be Wondering…

We shared with you last week that in a couple weeks, Jonathan begins a three month sabbatical. This will be an extended time of rest, travel and study. We wanted to answer a few questions that you might have.

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Jonathan is Going on Sabbatical

Taking care of our own lives comes before taking care of others. We can only lead and shepherd others as we have led and shepherded ourselves. Regular sabbaticals are a primary way we, as a church can honor God.

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Loving Our City

We talk a lot about serving Colorado Springs and have been sharing stories of how we’ve been the heart and hands of Christ to our city. We’re creating relationships with some great ministries throughout our city!

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Fostering Hope at Pulpit Rock

Brady’s eyes and mischievous look pulled in this “old Grandpa” as the door opened at their home for my first visit with the foster family. They decided that they would call me Mr. Bob and I confess, my heart melted a bit with each visit, hug, wave and hearing them call out “Mr. Bob!”

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Not Everything Good is Easy

On Saturday September 26th, a dozen parents gathered at Pulpit Rock Church. We found ourselves instead gratefully connecting with other parents who could understand our lives and journey better than anyone else we’ve ever met. Sharing story with those who “get it” is an incredibly encouraging experience.

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On Grief

One of the hardest things about grief is that it hits everyone differently. You really have no way of knowing how it’s going to affect you until you’re in the midst of it. So it’s really, really hard to prepare.

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A Street BBQ

We have another story to tell you about a small group service project. This one is about community. About starting new relationships. About stepping outside our front door and breaking down imaginary walls between neighbors.

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Diving Below the Waterline

At Pulpit Rock, we recognize that life is hard, messy and often overwhelming. The good news is God never intended for us to go through this messy life alone. He values community that comes through relationships. He created us to be in relationship with Himself and with each other. Enter Women’s Ministry…

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Making Space for the Important

Sometimes it’s difficult to see the things we truly love when there is so much stuff surrounding us. This year I invite you to take a moment to pause and ponder whether you’re making space for the things that are important.

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