The SOAP Study Method
SOAP is a simple method of studying God’s word that allows you to interact with the scripture and understand it on a deeper, more meaningful level.
SOAP is a simple method of studying God’s word that allows you to interact with the scripture and understand it on a deeper, more meaningful level.
A response from our Senior Pastor Thomas Thomson to last night’s shooting in Orlando, Florida.
Eight moms from Pulpit Rock spent a year loving the students at UCCS through a unique partnership with CRU. Thousands of cookies, hugs and advice lead to a hugely successful inaugural year. And there’s space for you!
At an age where many kids tend to be more focused on themselves, our amazing group of AWANA T&T girls and boys found a way to care for others by hosting a “Spring Fling” at Summit Glen, a local senior living center.
God has given us some amazing people at Pulpit Rock. Jonathan highlights just a few of those people and how they have transitioned so that you can be in the know.
After attending the IF: Gathering in 2015, the ladies in my small group decided that one Sunday a month, we would meet at the IF: Table. We are messy and authentic, unguarded and hopeful, reliant on one another and accountable to one another. The Table has created this depth and Jesus has blessed the process.
The bond that the town and church of Boquillas and Pulpit Rock have forged over our years partnering with one another is a reflection of the Kingdom to come. Here is a quick recap of our most recent visit.
This world is horribly hard on girls, and our culture screams its destructive messages at the top of its lungs. But our students at Pulpit Rock have another message to share with our daughters.
WaterAfrica’s annual Walk4Water is a fun, family-friendly event to raise awareness and money to provide accessible, clean water for people living in rural Zambia. This year we will hold our first Walk4Water in Colorado Springs!
Several weeks ago, more than 150 women spent two days together connecting, learning, praying, laughing and worshipping at our second annual IF:Gathering. Here is what happened there.
Part of the money from our Christmas offering last year is going to support the Leku Keta Kale Heywet church in Ethiopia. Here are a couple pictures to put faces to our prayers and gifts.