Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

A neighbor stood on my porch. Fourteen years old and lonely, he was looking for my kids who weren’t home. I’ve dismissed this boy in the past. But God sees him. And today so did I. “Come in,” I said.

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Take the #PRCJoyChallenge

We invite you to take the #PRCJoyChallenge. For the next 40 days, snap a photo each day of something that brings you joy, post it to social media and tag it #PRCJoyChallenge.

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Introducing 56

We are excited to announce big changes coming to our Children and Student ministries starting this June!

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Love Your Neighbor: Mentor At-Risk Youth

We’re excited to share with you another great way to love our neighbors in Colorado Springs. This amazing program is changing the lives of at-risk youth and you can be a part!

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Adult Swim

Our very first Adult Swim event was held a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful time for parents to talk and share and pray and encourage each other with community and resources.

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These Daughters of Day

Students serving students … that’s the heart of our high schoolers at Pulpit Rock. Three cheers for these these amazing young women!

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Snowbound … A Slideshow

What happens when more than 50 of our middle school students spend the weekend together in the mountains?

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Love Your Neighbor

Sometimes it is hard to apply the Bible to our everyday life. That’s why we’re excited about launching a new program that will make it easy to apply what Jesus describes as the second greatest commandment – loving your neighbor.

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The Prayer Net

We have been focusing on prayer once a month with our kids and leaders in Kingdom Kids during our large group worship time. Our hope is that God will use the prayer net to begin conversations with kids and their leaders, parents or friends about prayer.

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Retreat! Retreat!

A few weeks ago now, 24 of us from our PRiSM High School department retreated! We escaped for a quick, wintery, overnight getaway to Camp Elim near Woodland Park. Here’s a quick recap.

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Outside These Walls

We are excited to share an incredible opportunity for our church body to flourish together by partnering with local Muslim families in welcoming new refugees to our city.

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The Top Two Questions About Money

Church is first and foremost a spiritual thing. But we all know that in our world a church also exists as an organization. And like any organization, we have to make wise decisions about a whole host of practical things like spending money.

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