Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Seeking to Know What Matters to God

Any relationship can definitely benefit from the intentionality of face-to-face time, but none more than our relationship with God. What would our time with God look like if we purposed to meet Him, face-to-face, to pursue Him with purpose and intentionality? Diane shares more wisdom from her time of rest.

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Do you truly know how beautifully you’re made?

The hardest part was knowing God had saved me for a reason – specifically calling me to be an international missionary while in a jail cell – but I couldn’t make sense of the what, how, where, and when. That’s where Lifeworkx comes in.

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The Problem with Church (Definitively Explained) … And How to Fix it in 3 Easy Steps.

It seems like literally every week someone is releasing a new book, hosting a conference or posting an angry blog that basically says “I know what is wrong with church, and I know how to fix it.” Could it be, perhaps, that the only thing that needs to be “fixed” about church is the way we view it?

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SENT | Chris Giovagnoni | 719 Ride and Shield 616 Ride

Chris Giovagnoni shares how his cycling event is a way to celebrate the city: “I started associating the 719 Ride idea in my mind with the COS I Love You initiative because I felt like the ride was a way to say that I did indeed love this city.”

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Living in God’s presence. A reflection on sabbatical.

One of our core teaching truths at Pulpit Rock is to learn to follow Christ in healthy, reproducible, and sustainable ways. As a result we have chosen to be intentional about times of rest for our staff. Diane Stermer reflects on her six weeks of sabbatical.

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52 Weeks

God’s given us a pretty amazing place to call home. Here’s what a year of Sunday morning views from the roof of Pulpit Rock looks like. Not too shabby, huh?

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SENT | Bob Waterman | CASA Advocate

Bob Waterman shares about serving as a CASA: “I continue to be amazed at how many children are in the custody of the Department of Social Services and to hear of the trauma that so many children have endured. God wants to rescue these children, let them know they are valuable and that He loves them.”

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Welcome back, roommate!

Look at the face of one of your teacher friends and you will see the grim look of determination that I imagine all the soldiers had right before the boats landed at Normandy. A look that says, “I might not make it through this… but the cause is worth it.” We wanted to thank the GVA staff team for all they do, so the first day back for GVA faculty, we greeted them with breakfast tacos and coffee.

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Grace in the Darkness

“A cave that was the shelter for over 1,000 Okinawans spoke to us. We walked deep into the darkness, sang “Amazing Grace” and learned that embracing truth quite literally brings life.” Erin Ahnfeldt shares about lies, truth and the magnificent power of grace in the midst of darkness.

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SENT | James & Beth Shank | 4th of July Block Party

James and Beth Shank about their 4th of July neighborhood party: “People are longing for community, but rarely is someone willing to step-out of their comfort zone and approach their neighbors. They want community, they need community, they just do not know how to create community.”

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Story Time and Build Project

A few weeks ago we did a special building event for our weekly Story Time. It was a smashing success! We sure do love our kids! [We’d like to give a special shout out to Megan Steinhauser, Luke Wrobleski and our four student helpers for all their hard work.]

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Pancake Evangelism

I was always scared to share my faith. I didn’t know what to say, I wasn’t sure if I could answer hard questions about God, or heaven, or hell. It seemed like evangelism was for people that knew a lot about the Bible and how to answer the hard questions I didn’t know. But each Saturday Kevin and Lydia Andrews are redefining evangelism.

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