Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Our Military Family Gathering

At Pulpit Rock Church, we want to not only love on our Military community, but be a launch pad for ministers that are regularly sent to other parts of the nation, world and even conflicted areas plagued by war and lacking access to the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Christmas Offering | Retire our Mortgage

We are within striking distance of being debt free as a church! We are really excited about that, and would love to accelerate our current plan so we can free up more money for more missional ventures.

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In the Waiting

On hope and doubt and waiting. A spoken word.

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Ways to Practice Advent This Year

For Christ-followers, Advent is a sacred part of the liturgical calendar – a time of preparation and expectation as we await the birth of our Savior and his return for us. Practicing Advent is a powerful way to keep our focus on Christ during the holiday season.

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Freedom for Fawn

In which Jonathan shares about a night in a Thai club and an encounter with a young girl named Fawn where he came face to face with his deep longing for the Kingdom of God, where the full gospel is realized.

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Parent Cue

After Kathy and I married and we had our first child, David, I realized that since I had come from a broken, harsh home, I needed her help as we raised our children. I did not want our children to experience what I had experienced. But I had no idea what to do.

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Christmas Offering | The Exodus Road

The Exodus Road is an organization with a similar heartbeat to ours. They have been invited to partner with one of the most effective and aggressive counter-human-trafficking teams in our country. We want to help make that happen.

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SENT | Donuts on the Deck and Driveway | Biels, Shipps, Stermers

The Shipps, Biels and Stermers collaborated on a Saturday morning to connect with their neighbors: “A group of neighbors who have lived here for 30+ years reminiscing about raising their kids here and talking about what activities they used to do together. They were so excited that the torch has been lit to do these things once again, even now that their own kids are grown and gone.”

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Thoughts on Thursday Serve Day

Mark Windle reflects on thankfulness, the students of Pulpit Rock and year three of something called Thursday Serve Day. Students giving a up day every week of their summer to love, play with and bring free lunch to neighborhood kids around Mitchell High school.

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Breathing Out Gratitude

I’ve been reflecting on the idea of our bodies giving thanks automatically. That our Creator created us in such a way that is naturally prone to worship Him and give thanks sometimes without us even realizing it. As I move toward this week of Thanksgiving, I can’t help but look back at the last few months and see how my body was constantly giving thanks to the Lord.

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Christmas Offering | Refugee Lighthouses

There are large refugee camps all over the middle east that have been there for years, filled with Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian refugees. Pastor Mohammad stepped into this crisis and began launching Lighthouses and we want to help him set up two more in Iraq and Yemen.

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Lead with Welcome

What would happen if Pulpit Rock was the most unexpectedly welcoming place in Colorado Springs? Where everyone – regardless of who they are or where they’ve come from – is welcomed in their humanity, their dignity, and their worth?

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