Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

IF:Gathering 2019

As we began to pray and dream about our gathering this year, we kept asking the question, “What do the women at Pulpit Rock need?” My heart continued to come back to three words: rest, celebrate, and wisdom.

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woman in hood taking a selfie with mountains behind her

Ready, set … stillness.

In which Becky Cleveland takes a deep breath, steps into discomfort, and learns to embrace her inner introvert. Three days alone in the mountains stretched her and God surprised her in new, unexpected and sometimes even painful, ways.

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DHS Kinship Family Celebration

Imagine an event where government, church, individuals, organizations, and local businesses all collaborated to love and spoil people needing some recognition. Seems a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it? That dream was reality at Pulpit Rock Church a few weeks ago. In December, Pulpit Rock was honored to host the DHS Kinship Family Celebration.

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Snowbound 2019

Last weekend was our middle school winter retreat, Snowbound. Our students dressed as hippies for the annual church-on-church Muck War, tested their courage on the high ropes swing (The Screamer), faced off with multiple inflatable games, consumed huge amounts of food and hot chocolate, learned about King David and worshiped Jesus together.

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SENT | Salvation Army Meal Teams

Several teams from Pulpit Rock serve meals at the Salvation Army shelter every month: “Our small group wanted to find a way to serve, and providing a meal for Salvation Army fit perfectly. We are able to bring our families to serve and grow together. We have enjoyed doing this for over ten years.”

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We asked. You gave. What a venture!

Last year we set out on a daring and risky undertaking. The goal for our 2018 Christmas Offering, Venture, was our largest offering goal by a long shot. And true to form, you jumped in with both feet and blew us away with your generosity. Thank you for your hearts, your trust and your faithfulness.

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SENT | Klista Bomberger | The MVCS Giving Tree

Klista Bomberger heard of a need in her school and came up with an amazing and super inspiring way to meet it: “I was blown away by the number for families that stepped up and took children off the tree. It is so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the world and forget that God is good and he created goodness, love and kindness.”

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Stockings for the Homeless

This is the beautiful story of some women of Pulpit Rock Church heard about a need, were moved to act and gave a beautiful gift to women in our city struggling with homelessness.

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Making Peace with Change

Christians facing death, or any changes in life, can have peace. There is a God who always has something good waiting for us around the next bend, even on the other side of death. Having that peace is what makes us different.

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Building Beds and Lighting Candles

Advent celebrates the sending of Jesus Christ. He who has been sent will also be sent again to redeem all things. This One who was sent to us also sends us. He came to bring light to the world and sends us not to curse the darkness but to join Him in lighting candles along our way.

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No Services on December 30th

This December 30, our church will again practice the rhythm of taking a Sabbath rest on Sunday morning. This means no services or programs. The heart behind this is to give the gift of space and rest to all of our people, to help us be open to new ways God would like to connect with us. So what could you do on this Sunday morning? Let me make three suggestions…

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A Glimpse of PRiSM56

PRiSM56 is a beautiful program, where caring adults intentionally enter into the crazy world of tweenagers who are just beginning to step into their identity, self-worth, interests, passions and self-awareness. As a mom of a daughter who will soon be entering the pre-teen world, nothing makes my heart happier than knowing that PRiSM56 is waiting for her.

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