Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

It’s Not About the Money

In overseeing the budget of our church, my understanding about money has shifted. I’ve seen first hand what happens when generous people are focused on a worthwhile purpose. I care about our purpose. I care about the space God is creating here. I want to ask you to invest your heart in God’s purposes with me.

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Re-Imagining Mission

Recently, one of our church members heard about a need for a keyboard for a retirement complex. She decided to do something. Are there ways you could announce the kingdom of God to your workplace, or soccer team, or at your gym? Pulpit Rock is hosting a conference to discuss this very question. We would love for you to attend.

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Groundbreaking at Springs Rescue Mission

Over the past three years Pulpit Rock has been partnered in numerous ways with Springs Rescue Mission and their campus expansion in town. Last week Thomas and Kyle got to participate in a groundbreaking for phase two of the expansion – a $5.5 million project including a new dining facility and welcome center.

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hand reaching in water with bubbles

Losing Myself

You may have watched the interview where Thomas Thompson and I talked about God being at work in public schools. What you didn’t see, what you couldn’t have seen, was the work God did to rescue me from myself both before and after I walked up on that stage.

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feet in a circle

We Are God’s Masterpiece

I never grew up hoping to be in student ministry. But here I am, and these girls are fierce. They are deep and have real emotions that shape the way they view themselves, how they view God, and most importantly how they think God views them. I will not sit back and let them be told who they are and live their lives not knowing the truth about their identity.

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male teenager in beanie facing a lake |

When it comes to sex, language matters.

Parents and the church should be leading the way in conversations about sex, creating safe places for discussion so truth can root down in the hearts of the next generation. Silence is not an option.

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On Fences and Wells

There are two approaches to the spiritual life that have remarkably different outcomes: fence building and well digging. I don’t know if there is a theological shift that is more important for our day and age than this one.

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SENT | Jeff and Robin Gerke | It’s Going to Be Okay project

Jeff and Robin Gerke came up with a unique service project to bless kids in foster care and help the kids at our church learn about kindness: “The goal of It’s Going to Be Okay is to help foster kids know that they’re not forgotten and that comfort is available to them.”

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A Food Pantry and Our 3-Year-Olds

Klista Bomberger has created a beautiful partnership to meet a big need for the students and families at her school and at the same time, model generosity and kindness for the youngest kids at Pulpit Rock Church.

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Where does Pulpit Rock Church stand on the Bible?

Recently someone asked Thomas where Pulpit Rock Church stood on the Bible. He thought it was good conversation, worth sharing with you.

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When "The Homeless" become "Artists" and "Friends"

Cindy Limbrick is redefining our connection with our neighbors at the Springs Rescue Mission. She is holding space with the homeless and using art as a way to build an amazing relationship and community. And the results are simply stunning.

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two white men standing with six muslim men

Listening to People of Other Religions

I believe one of the greatest mistakes Christians have made is that we communicate as if we have exclusive access to Jesus. I want to grow in being a person who invites others, regardless of their religious identities, to come alongside me to help me to better listen to Jesus.

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