Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

A Weekend of Refuge

Ladies, let’s get away. You are invited to join us for a beautiful weekend of refuge this fall. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re SO excited that it’s finally happening – our fall Women’s Retreat! Here are the details and link to sign up.

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Who do you say that I am?

People had all kinds of responses to Jesus, and this is why His piercing question, “Who do you say that I am?” is one that penetrates every human heart. We must ask this question anew in each generation and in each new day of our lives.

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A New Rhythm for PRiSM Programs

Over the past few months, you’ve likely heard us talk about the changes coming to our student programming this fall. Well the time has come. Beginning this Sunday, things will be a bit different around here. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect.

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Sweat, glitter and the hug I postponed for several years.

Recently, a large gay man in head-to-toe black leather gave me one of the best hugs I’ve ever received. It was a hug I had been postponing for several years. Because I am a very big coward. But Christ’s love is wide and it defies boundaries. It is risky and may even feel scary. But leaning into that scariness with love feels a lot better than crouching in fear.

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If we build it…

If you’ve been at church the past few weeks, you may have noticed that we’ve been doing a little demolition of our west parking lot. What, you might have wondered, is going on? We’re glad you asked. The answer is … we’re building a field. But actually, think of it not so much as a field but as our outdoor “table.”

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Moved Into the Neighborhood

Recently, our family made a big move to be closer to Pulpit Rock, our coffee shop, and the places we are creating community. Leaving a large house of seven years where we had all four of our kids together and a neighborhood we had settled in was hard, but we felt that we needed to live more intentionally missional in last decades of our life.

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Understanding our own needs helps us to see the needs of others.

When we met, we had both been married previously. We thought that because we had navigated marriage successfully before, we knew what we were doing and pretty much had it figured out. Boy, were we naïve!

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Protected: This is how we fulfill scripture.

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Bible open with red ribbon

9 Truths from the Table Manners Series

Life regularly presents us with people who are very different than we are. And part of loving each other well is understanding and accepting – and even celebrating – our differences. Our recent Table Manners series gives us nine truths to remember as we practice love.

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Creative Kids Art Camp

A couple weeks ago we put on our first Creative Kids Art Camp. It was a week full of paint, inspiration, fun, mess, and art. It was a beautiful time of discovering the creativity in them. “We are artists, because God is.” – Peter Kreeft

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Orbit: A Small Group for Young Adults

In high school, small groups played a huge part in the development and consistency of my faith, and gave me relationships and connections. In college it’s not as easy to make those connections. With Orbit, we can sit with each other, remember that we are not alone and be reminded that God has a beautiful plan for our lives.

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Becoming closer to each other through God

We started a marriage class at the same time we started attending Pulpit Rock. We thought this class would be a great way to meet couples and build community with good people who are committed to each other and God. What we didn’t know or expect was how much this class would help our marriage.

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