Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Snowbound 2020: A Recap

What do you get when you combine 500 middle school students and caring, Christ following, adults, with snow capped mountain backdrops, with ridiculous games, with dynamic worship and relevant preaching? Something crazy fun called Snowbound!

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Guys, Games and Grub

Saturday night the Student Center was filled with camaraderie, laughter, the smell of pizza and about 30 men from PRC. We gathered together to play games and create community. It was awesome to see men, many of which had never met, connecting as brothers in Christ.

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The Gift of White Lab Coats

Last fall Kyle traveled to our partner church in Ethiopia with a couple eye doctors. We wanted to share a few more photos from that trip. Thank you for your faithful support of Pulpit Rock which allows us to support incredible work in Ethiopia!

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In Which We Pursue Our Actual Selves

Ladies, Presence Weekend is a few weeks away! My heart for our spring conference and for us as women is to pursue our actual selves. Our vulnerability in my messy unfinished story has the same kind of power that our ideal self has.

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Come learn a new spiritual practice.

We would like to introduce you to some new spiritual practices that center around the ways we allow the words of God to shape us. Our prayer is that as when we open the Bible, we will allow God to reveal Himself to us, even – and especially – when the God we encounter turns our world upside down. 

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An Invitation to Celebrate

In a world moving so fast, it’s hard to be still and notice God at all, let alone notice what He’s doing as the Author of our stories. Beginning Feb 2, I am leading a class that will be our place to begin to notice – and celebrate – God’s work in our lives.

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Apparently generosity runs in the family.

We talk a lot about how generous you are. Well guess what? Apparently generosity runs in our [church] family. We’d like to take a moment to recognize our amazing kids at Pulpit Rock Church.

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Welcome To The Table: A Podcast

At Pulpit Rock Church we look for ways to help you on your journey with God. One way we hope to do this is a new podcast called Welcome To The Table. As you sit at the table with us during these conversations we hope you feel a part of something much bigger than your own spiritual journey and are inspired to continue to have important conversations around tables.

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What do you want to know about God?

Have you ever wondered how old God is? Or what His middle name is? Or why He chose Mary? Or what He’s good at? Well you’re not alone. Our kids have TONS of questions for Him.

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Loving Those Whom Jesus Loves

2019 was an amazing year for Pulpit Rock and our CarePortal and Love Your Neighbor teams! Here’s a quick recap with some stats to celebrate the impact we are having on our community.

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A Talking Beaver and A Teachers’ Lounge

When Aslan came to Narnia, he brought Christmas back. His presence changed everything, and there’s something happening in our city, a presence of something good, something like Aslan, that’s making Colorado Springs feel a little like Narnia.

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An Invasion of Hope

This week we entered the season of Advent. This is a time that represents a season of expectant waiting and preparation leading up to Christmas and the celebration of Jesus’ birth. An invasion of hope when life feels uncertain. And this season of hope … of Advent … is meant for everyone.

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