Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

a rope wrapped around a tree

A Reminder to Be Steadfast

I’m not sure where your heart is with our world spinning out a bit, but I do know that we are all feeling the weight of this current season in some way. In times like this we are tempted to fix, control, understand, and numb out. But I’ve been focusing on the word “steadfast.” Our God is steadfast. And we should be too.

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Teachers, staff and parents spending a day in a classroom learning to identify mental health issues.

Training our community to address youth mental health.

Recently, Pulpit Rock collaborated with Education for a Lifetime and Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention to provide at no-cost the Youth Mental Health First Aid training to 150 staff members of Doherty High School. Your generous giving to the Christmas Offering made this happen!

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We need your help to love the students and teachers at Panorama Middle School!

I am so excited to share with you all a new partnership that Pulpit Rock has formed with Panorama Middle School. Our church was asked to join a community team through the new COSILoveYou schools initiative to provide support, encouragement and resources to love on students and teachers at Panorama. Here’s how we’re doing that.

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Our Year with Leku Keta

As one of our strategic partners, we give monthly to help Ethiopian Leku Keta church care for more than 30 orphans in their community by providing home based care, schooling and medical help. In addition, the church has been doing some amazing work in their community and recently planted two other churches in the region.

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1000 Kids 300 Beds

Pulpit Rock, it’s time we celebrate! We have just hit some crazy big, God-sized milestones with our Love Your Neighbor team and bunkbed project. This is what happens when you listen to your hearts. You listen and follow where God is leading you. You are literally the hands and feet of Jesus right here in Colorado Springs.

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What Blockbuster got wrong and how that informs our approach to student ministry.

You may have noticed we do things a little differently at Pulpit Rock regarding student programs – we don’t host a separate program for students on Sundays when the rest of our church family is meeting together in the main services. There’s an important reason for this.

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A Pulpit Rock family was featured on Compassion International’s blog.

We talk a lot at Pulpit Rock about loving others. So it thrills us when we hear about how some of our own church family is making news with how they’re loving other people. Many of you know the Ahnfeldt family. They were recently featured on Compassion’s blog. We love this and we thought you would too.

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Why I’m shaving my beard for Lent.

The season of Lent begins this Wednesday. It’s a time for reflection on what we hold onto that roots us in this world instead of being free in the Kingdom of God. Nate Huntley shares the unique way he is recognizing Lent this year.

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The Best Way to Be Heard in a Noisy World

Is it just me, or is the world getting louder and angrier? It seems no matter which way you turn, someone is shouting to have their view point or their cause heard. How do we, as Christians, engage in the important matters of the world, our country and our hometown in a way that honors Jesus? The answer may surprise you.

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How your generosity is transforming lives in Uganda.

I once could never have imagined getting to travel the world helping others discover how much God loves them and how big His plans are for them. Now I am the Executive Global Director of Lifeworkx. With the help of Pulpit Rock, Uganda is seeing transformative awakening by the tens of thousands.

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Pulpit Rock, I’d like you to meet Bri McKoy.

Ladies, you’re invited to hang out with Food Blogger and Author Bri McKoy. She is the special guest at our upcoming Presence Weekend. Here’s an introduction to her and a bit of her story. We are excited to share the weekend with her. Have you signed up yet?

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Serving Jesus with Splatter Paint

I think that it’s very important to serve at church. You have a different way to worship God instead of your typical singing and prayer. I believe that God does see my gift to create just as important as other service projects. Even if I’m not stopping something like world hunger I can still make people happy with my art.

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