Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.


After more than two months of worshiping separately in our homes, last Sunday some of us gathered together in person again. While we were still spread out – whether in our building, at different locations, or some still at homes – we were together. It was different … but wonderful.

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We’re cleaning house for your return.

As we get ready to see each other again this Sunday, you may be wondering what we’re doing to make it safe. Rest assured we are doing everything we can to make our church building comfortable and safe environment for corporate worship. Here are the things we’ve done to prepare to gather.

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What Shapes You?

This pandemic has given us new, creative ways to “come together” as a community to share the things God is placing on our hearts. Online conversations, Whole Care Check-In’s, Socially Distanced Small Group Tailgating.
Over the next four Sundays I’ll share four passages of scripture that are shaping me. Our hope is that in the sharing of scriptures that are shaping us, you might find God wanting to shape you.

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Finishing Well

Around age 45, I realized I could see the second half of my life and the finish line. It’s a sobering vision because you realize that you have more miles in your rearview mirror then you do in the windshield ahead of you. Now as I am about to turn 50, I’m finding inspiration in the message of the burning bush.

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Ways to dive deeper into our weekly content.

As the quarantined weeks ago by, we are finding more and more ways to express ourselves and connect digitally. But in many ways, your spiritual growth is in your hands. With the amount of content being shared, we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss these resources we are providing to supplement our regular live streams.

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Community in the Time of Coronavirus

The idea of social distancing and small group community would seem to be in direct conflict with each other. But the community we have at Pulpit Rock is strong and resilient! Here’s how three of our small groups  are adapting their small group to life during COVID-19. 

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The Gift of Rescue

$30,000. That’s how much we chose to give to The Exodus Road from this past year’s Christmas Offering. We thought it was a good gift to help fund the fight against human trafficking in Latin America. Little did we know just how much that $30,000 would be needed this year.

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Introducing … Mercy Masks

As with all of us, Faye Palmer’s life as a music teacher changed dramatically as a result of the pandemic. Nonetheless, she has found a beautiful way to serve and encourage others during the quarantine.

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About the harassed and helpless …

With the ongoing pandemic, while we don’t know when it will end, we know that there is tremendous need coming. God is preparing us to be the answer. He is sending us to intervene and help these harassed and helpless people. We are his plan. So let’s get ready.

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How we turn your money into love.

When we donate to something, we don’t always get to see the ripple effect that our money has and how God uses our giving. So we are excited to share with how we are using your money you gave to the Christmas Offering for the Love Your Neighbor and CarePortal teams.

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Taking Pastor Thomas to Cuba

Here’s a beautiful story of how God is using the ministry of Pulpit Rock Church to change the world. Bob and Becky Tillman traveled to Cuba and brought with them one of Thomas’ sermons to teach a training to Cuban chaplains on handling anger in a Godly way.

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What loving the homeless looks like during a pandemic.

We may be in the middle of a pandemic, but our Salvation Army Meals teams (including a new PRiSM team) are still providing meals to our homeless neighbors at the Salvation Army shelter each month. The process just looks a little different now. And they still need your help!

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