Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

The Barnyard Project

Our Grove kiddos brought in a total of $470.26 in just 8 Sundays!

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What’s Going on with Our Church Partners in Ethiopia?

The stories of two women that we’ve been supporting through the Economic Empowerment Program.

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Do Something

Thank you, 56 students, for inspiring us all to actually do something about the injustices we see!

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How We Steward Our Financial Resources

Church budgets, money and such… Thank you for trusting us with what God has called you to give.

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On Fasting & Feasting

What’s all this about fasting and feasting for Lent?

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Join us for a Zoom call!

Join a very special video call to hear updates from our partners on the impact of your gift to the Christmas Offering!

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Through Humility & Love

This passage teaches us how to lead from a position of strength and blessing through humility and love.

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What is Lent?

We invite you to engage in this season of Lent with us! Here are some helpful resources to walk you through this time leading up to Easter…

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He is Still Good

In this world we will suffer. But we have a loving Savior who can and will use our suffering.

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Thin Spaces

Thin spaces are the places where heaven seems closest to earth, where you can almost sense a different kind of presence to life.

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A New Identity

We are not called to live by the rules of this world. God invites us into something so much greater.

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A Healthy AND Happy Marriage

If we value God’s design for marriage, the only option we have is to nurture it with intentionality.

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