Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.


A Confident Hope

As I try to live a life of righteousness instead of sin, I will someday be sinless like Him, when He appears.

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The Search for Truth

Despite the unknowns that I approach, the Lord is within me and is guiding my search for truth.

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A Mexico Miracle | Part 1

Part 1 of how we saw God show up in our last trip to Boquillas.

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Relief in Myanmar

Our friends in Myanmar have been able to deliver essential food supplies to over 150 families so far. There’s still time to give!

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Black & White Expressions

What are the masterpieces you’ve seen on the walls outside of the Sanctuary?

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Just Today

Where do you see Jesus working in your “today”?

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Dancing in the Aisle

If Jesus really rose from the dead, life is this big, expansive, purposeful, eternal experience.

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Yet… God is Still Writing

Women of Pulpit Rock, will you join us for the Renewal Gathering this spring? Here are some details and sign up info!

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Our New Mentorship Woodshop Program

We just finished our first mentorship woodshop program with students from Pikes Peak Academy High School!

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Leading Your Kids During Holy Week

Next week is Holy Week— and it’s a great week to engage your kids in some fresh, new ways of processing their faith. 

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Introducing… Pulpit Rock Mobile

We’re launching a whole network of digital content!

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Letting Go to Embrace the Best

What do you need to release in your present to be in position to embrace God’s best?

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