Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

The Practice of Parable Reading

Experiencing the words of Jesus in the fashion that He spoke them and discussing with others can show us things we haven’t seen before.

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Partner Spotlight | Ama a tu prójimo

“When my passion for God, for others and for woodworking all come together, it makes my heart so happy.” Luke shares about the Love Your Neighbor trip to Mexico!

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Should I Fast During Lent?

A few thoughts and ideas to help you in your decision making about fasting during Lent.

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Why Parables?

Why are we focusing on the parables of Jesus during this season of Lent?

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How Can We Help?

In light of the recent events in Ukraine, we’ve put together a list of a few ways you can be praying and places you can give.

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The Road to Catharsis

Is there a loss in your past that you’ve never really grieved?

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Serve With Us!

Serving on Sunday mornings provides an opportunity to serve as Christ served, as well as grow in community! Here are some ways you can serve here…

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How Do I Engage With My Kids During Lent?

10 ways to engage with your kids during the season of Lent!

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Partner Spotlight | LFS Refugee Program

Sandi Swinford shares her experience as a volunteer with LFS housing donations and setting up new apartments for refugee families!

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All Under His Dominion

The book of Obadiah is packed full of powerful lessons on growing in godliness, pursuing holiness, and our walk of faith.

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Partner Spotlight | Kara Gowler

After over a year of teaching virtually, Kara is finally back in person with her students, and shares some exciting news!

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Stand at the Watch

During difficult times in our lives, we’re faced with a choice to either fall apart, or, like Habakkuk, let the questions drive us to “watch” and “look” for God.

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