Partner Spotlight | Steve & Carol Rugg

October 26, 2022 | Written by PRC Staff

How did you first get involved with your ministry?

Carol was connected to The Navigators as a new believer first going to the University of Illinois.  The Navigators helped her learn to walk with God, and how to help others do the same.  She grew in making disciples during college, and was invited to join Navigator staff a year after graduating.  Steve was led to Christ during his junior year at the University of Arizona through The Navigators.  He came to the U of Illinois for graduate school and got involved with The Navigators (and met Carol as well!).  We got married after Steve received his Master’s degree, and Carol continued to minister with The Navigators – leading national initiatives and creating a recruiting an intern program that is still floiurishing today.  Steve was asked to leave his engineering career and join Navigator staff, which he did in 1998.

What does coming alongside the workers and other partners look like day-to-day?

Our day-to-day ministry supports staff in a variety of ways.  We coach them in ministering to people in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity.  We develop staff in their Biblical competence, in their ability to build teams and work with team members, and in their proficiency to advance the gospel in various ethnic minority contexts.  We provide ministry resources such as Bible studies, videos, social media, websites, and discipleship materials to staff and everyday disciplemakers.  We help onboard, provide personnel and financial support for, and offboard hundreds of Navigator staff every year.  We host events that facilitate training of staff and disciplemakers.  We provide the first point of contact for all staff in their inquiries about supporting their ministry.  We are privileged to come alongside our workers and partners in all these ways! No two days are the same – We tremendously enjoy the variety of our jobs!

What projects/things are you involved in right now that you’re excited about?

Carol is leading an initiative to disciple women at the Navigators US Headquarters.  36 women attended our first gathering this week.  There is significant interest in learning how to be equipped to disciple others.

Several papers that will provide significant assistance to Navigators and the body of Christ in sexual orientation and gender identity will be made available more broadly in the coming months.

The Navigators have created a strategic and coordinated plan to increase our effectiveness in disciplemaking.  Every part of The Navigators is aligning our people, finances, and resources towards this effort.  We are prayerful and expectant about how God will lead and use us for his glory and kingdom!

Are there any ways our Pulpit Rock family can come around you to support you in what you’re doing? And ways we can be praying?

We are so grateful for all the support you already provide through prayers and finances.  Thank you!  Please pray:

  1. That we will be sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit.
  2. That the Lord will use The Navigators and all of his people in making disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19-20).
  3. That we would be wise in the use of our time, and set healthy boundaries for our work responsibilities
  4. That we, and our whole family, would be protected from the attacks of the evil one as we push back on his territory desiring culturally unity and healing from sexual brokenness.

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