Join the Conversation!

At Pulpit Rock, we are a community that values multiple voices. 

We talk more about why we think this is so important in the first sermon of our Easy Yoke Summer Series. Listen here.

So, we’ll be posting new questions on our blog throughout the summer. We hope you’ll share your reactions, thoughts, perspectives, what you’re learning, and engage with what others have to say!

What is Jesus teaching you these days?

We don’t want YOU to answer this question. We want you to ASK IT!

Think of someone in your life who has access to Jesus just like you do, and ask them this question. Then share what you hear in the comments below!

2 rules: please don’t share confidential information, and no politics, sales or inappropriate comments (save those for Facebook!).


Join the Conversation!

6 thoughts on “Join the Conversation!”

  1. “God has been teaching me that He is more concerned with relationship than sin. I have always beat myself up. Learning to just confess it and move on to relationship.”

  2. “I’ve been thinking about the lens in which I view God. My view of God has for the last several years been the way I view my own grown children… one of unconditional love and support while offering “wise” support when asked. How much MORE does God love His children!! So much more than mere human love… divine, endless, enduring love that knows no bounds… despite our sin, our weaknesses, doubts and lack of faith. The series in 1 John just solidified this belief for me.”

  3. Wow. What a great question! He has been teaching me so much. One thing is to think/pray vertical not horizontal..meaning don’t look at what is right in front of me but look to Him for the path

    Another thing is to see the beauty in brother and I talk 5x/wk..we always say I love you ..we hug and we deeply listen to each other. Before daddy died we never did any of that.

    But mostly God has shown me I don’t have to give love to get love! I am loved deeply and profoundly by Him and that makes me enough just as I am.

  4. What a great message, Becky. Thanks. I especially what was said at the end: “Rest means letting him drive and being at peace in your spirit”…. what you said goes well with the book by Lysa Terkeurst that I just finished, “The Best Yes”. So much in life is learning to trust and rest in Him…..

  5. I asked someone what Jesus is teaching them, but they admitted that he didn’t teach him anything at all.


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