
Introducing 56

February 23, 2017

We are excited to announce big changes coming to our Children and Student ministries starting this June!

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These Daughters of Day

February 15, 2017

Students serving students … that’s the heart of our high schoolers at Pulpit Rock. Three cheers for these these amazing young women!

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Snowbound … A Slideshow

February 14, 2017

What happens when more than 50 of our middle school students spend the weekend together in the mountains?

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Retreat! Retreat!

January 24, 2017

A few weeks ago now, 24 of us from our PRiSM High School department retreated! We escaped for a quick, wintery, overnight getaway to Camp Elim near Woodland Park. Here’s a quick recap.

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Students, Come and Eat

December 10, 2016

Last Sunday in PRiSM we celebrated and remembered the sacrifice of Jesus by taking communion as a youth group. As we planned for this special time, there were a few things I wanted to make sure the students grasped.

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PRiSM: Back and Forward

September 27, 2016

Fall is nearly here! What a unique time of year this is in Ministry here at Pulpit Rock Church. Especially in Student Ministry. We are looking back and celebrating what a great summer we had, and looking forward to great plans that are in store.

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The Brokenhearted

September 23, 2016

Our community experienced a loss this week – a death that touched our church body. When tragedy hits, community is a lifeline. One of our students shared her thoughts as she processed the messiness that is this life.

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PRSM Summer … It’s a Wrap!

September 7, 2016

Thursday Serve Day definitely became a “thing” this summer. It’s a joy to watch God at work in Colorado Springs and in the hearts of Pulpit Rock students.

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Raising a Princess

April 19, 2016

This world is horribly hard on girls, and our culture screams its destructive messages at the top of its lungs. But our students at Pulpit Rock have another message to share with our daughters.

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Mr. B’s Words of Wisdom: Money

August 7, 2015

Mr. B is back! This time he’s talking about money.

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