
Just Today

April 13, 2021

Where do you see Jesus working in your “today”?

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Dancing in the Aisle

April 8, 2021

If Jesus really rose from the dead, life is this big, expansive, purposeful, eternal experience.

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Letting Go to Embrace the Best

March 18, 2021

What do you need to release in your present to be in position to embrace God’s best?

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Through Humility & Love

February 18, 2021

This passage teaches us how to lead from a position of strength and blessing through humility and love.

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He is Still Good

February 11, 2021

In this world we will suffer. But we have a loving Savior who can and will use our suffering.

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A New Identity

February 4, 2021

We are not called to live by the rules of this world. God invites us into something so much greater.

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The Test of Time

January 27, 2021

The Bible has stood the test of time. There is no reason not to trust it. Continue reading through 1 Peter with us!

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Honorable Actions

January 13, 2021

By keeping our conduct and words honorable, we further the kingdom of God and give Him glory.

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Action, Not Reaction

January 6, 2021

We get to start 2021 by reading 1 Peter together as a church family. Let’s continue learning from one another!

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Thanks for reading James with us!

December 1, 2020

Thank you for participating in this reading plan with us and sharing your stories with us! It has been a privilege to walk alongside and learn from one another throughout this James journey.

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