
Why Haiti?

March 1, 2016

I believe every follower of Christ ought to experience a cross cultural missions experience in their lifetime to allow God to speak to their hearts and enlarge their mission perspective beyond their own world.

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Building a Refuge in Haiti

February 24, 2016

Through the support of families and small groups from this church, Pulpit Rock was able to make it a reality for 10 families to move from a temporary shelter to a permanent home in Haiti.

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Feeding the Homeless: A Pulpit Rock Legacy

November 10, 2015

Have you ever wondered how to respond to Jesus’ story in Matthew 25 about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming strangers, visiting prisoners? Here’s one hands-on, local opportunity.

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Meet Bifa

August 10, 2015

Maybe it was his contagious smile. Maybe it was his easy-to-pronounce name in a sea of names that were hard to remember, let alone say. Or maybe it was our first exchange that made Bifa stand out in my mind.

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