
An Update from Ethiopia

September 11, 2018

Read the latest update from our partner church in Leku Keta, Ethiopia. They share about the medical team from Pulpit Rock that visited this summer and some of the ways God has been using their church in the community.

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SENT | Kara Gowler | Teaching in Bolivia

August 3, 2018

Kara Gowler shares about moving to Bolivia to teach: “For the first time in my life, I consider myself planted until God tells me to move. I am ready to dig in and continue to build relationships with the people God puts around me.”

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Nepal Womens Conference

July 28, 2018

You remember the H.E.R. series. By now you probably have a pretty good idea of how we feel about women. But we’re not just putting women in leadership here, our desire to honor, empower and respect women is reaching around the world.

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Live from Cortez

July 18, 2018

On Sunday we sent a group of our students off to Cortez, CO for the week. We thought you’d enjoy an insiders view of the all the fun. So Mark has asked a few students to give daily updates on the trip.

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Mission Trip Selfies

July 12, 2018

No form of summer social media sharing is more common than the mission trip selfie. But these types of photos often bring up questions of motivation and heart. Jonathan shares his thoughts on selfies and Pulpit Rock’s approach to short term mission trips.

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Haiti 2018

July 10, 2018

In June, ten members of our church went on a trip to Haiti with Mission of Hope. They visited homes, hosted a Kids Club, distributed solar lights, water filters and goats. Here are a few snapshots of the trip.

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Taste and See

April 10, 2018

Like a father grilling steaks in the backyard, God was leaning over, wearing His “BEST DAD EVER” barbecue apron, to give us a warm, sizzling taste of the amazing meal He has waiting. This was a taste of what is to come, and we didn’t know it then, but we would be getting tastes like that all week.

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An Ordinary Cardboard Box

November 15, 2017

Cardboard boxes, shoeboxes to be specific, unveil miracles. My friend, Lilian, was carrying some of those boxes in the trunk of an old Venezuelan taxi. She smiled as she looked back through the rear window. Through the dust, she could see another taxi carrying her friends, and like her, carrying more boxes for an organization called Operation Christmas Child.

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Welcome to Hell

November 9, 2017

When I first heard we were going ‘undercover’ with the Exodus Road I had visions of grandeur. I saw myself as Clint Eastwood or Bruce Willis, wearing a ‘Murica’ t-shirt and kicking some serious butt. But instead of being a hero, I just sat with them like Jesus would and shared communion with prostitutes and pimps.

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CityServe is Coming

September 7, 2017

If you’ve attended Pulpit Rock for any amount of time, you’ll know we spend a lot of time talking about loving our city. We are proud of our home and believe we are located where we are – smack dab in the center of it – for a specific purpose. We want to see our city flourish and believe we have an important role to play in making that happen.

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