
The Gift of White Lab Coats

January 28, 2020

Last fall Kyle traveled to our partner church in Ethiopia with a couple eye doctors. We wanted to share a few more photos from that trip. Thank you for your faithful support of Pulpit Rock which allows us to support incredible work in Ethiopia!

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An Eye Clinic at Leku Keta in Ethiopia

October 7, 2019

Kyle Collins spent last week in Ethiopia, accompanied by two eye doctors. They spent time at our partner church, Leku Keta, where they conducted an eye clinic to address the massive need for eye care.

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Building a Lighthouse in Lebanon

September 24, 2019

As a part of last year’s Christmas Offering, we partnered with Pastor Mohammed to build two Refugee Lighthouses in the middle east. We wanted to show you what your money has done. Here are photos and a report from the Lighthouse we funded in Lebanon.

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Protected: This is how we fulfill scripture.

August 10, 2019

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Led and Loved by “the least of these”

April 16, 2019

We “do” the basketball camp, youth gatherings, and painting knowing we’re doing it for Jesus. Under the stars the last night, I looked at Juan, sitting in the glow of that fire, and realized that maybe in the midst of us thinking we’re doing something for them, for “the least of these,” they’re actually doing something for us.

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Responding to Teen Suicide

April 10, 2019

As our city has been devastated the last several years by teen suicide, we have been asking what our response should be as a church. Thanks to your faithful giving, last year we were able to give $2,200 to help provide counseling scholarships for individuals and families in our city so they can receive the help they need.

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Groundbreaking at Springs Rescue Mission

March 18, 2019

Over the past three years Pulpit Rock has been partnered in numerous ways with Springs Rescue Mission and their campus expansion in town. Last week Thomas and Kyle got to participate in a groundbreaking for phase two of the expansion – a $5.5 million project including a new dining facility and welcome center.

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Freedom for Fawn

November 30, 2018

In which Jonathan shares about a night in a Thai club and an encounter with a young girl named Fawn where he came face to face with his deep longing for the Kingdom of God, where the full gospel is realized.

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Encouraged to live again. A testimony.

October 16, 2018

“At that time, we thought we are helpless & we have no one beside us so we felt desperate & forgotten but when we heard your prayer for us & received the money you sent, we were happy & encouraged to live again. Thank you & God bless you.” Keep doing your thing, church.

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SENT | Brittany Meloni | Engineering Ministries International

October 12, 2018

Brittany Meloni shares about her job at EMI and how she’s connecting with people in her new neighborhood: “I think sometimes we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be something we’re not supposed to be. I had to release the idea that God wanted me to do things for Him and really trust that He wanted me to be with Him.

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