
SENT | Salvation Army Meal Teams

January 18, 2019

Several teams from Pulpit Rock serve meals at the Salvation Army shelter every month: “Our small group wanted to find a way to serve, and providing a meal for Salvation Army fit perfectly. We are able to bring our families to serve and grow together. We have enjoyed doing this for over ten years.”

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SENT | Klista Bomberger | The MVCS Giving Tree

January 11, 2019

Klista Bomberger heard of a need in her school and came up with an amazing and super inspiring way to meet it: “I was blown away by the number for families that stepped up and took children off the tree. It is so easy to get caught up in the negativity of the world and forget that God is good and he created goodness, love and kindness.”

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SENT | Donuts on the Deck and Driveway | Biels, Shipps, Stermers

November 23, 2018

The Shipps, Biels and Stermers collaborated on a Saturday morning to connect with their neighbors: “A group of neighbors who have lived here for 30+ years reminiscing about raising their kids here and talking about what activities they used to do together. They were so excited that the torch has been lit to do these things once again, even now that their own kids are grown and gone.”

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SENT | Josh & Rachel Bennett | Halloween Potato Party

November 9, 2018

Rachel Bennett shares about how their Halloween Potato Party created space to connect with people in their neighborhood: “We moved into our home almost 2 years ago. Over this time, we have met a few neighbors but haven’t necessarily felt like a community. We wanted to provide an opportunity to bring people together.

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SENT | James & Beth Shank | 4th of July Block Party

August 10, 2018

James and Beth Shank about their 4th of July neighborhood party: “People are longing for community, but rarely is someone willing to step-out of their comfort zone and approach their neighbors. They want community, they need community, they just do not know how to create community.”

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Pancake Evangelism

August 8, 2018

I was always scared to share my faith. I didn’t know what to say, I wasn’t sure if I could answer hard questions about God, or heaven, or hell. It seemed like evangelism was for people that knew a lot about the Bible and how to answer the hard questions I didn’t know. But each Saturday Kevin and Lydia Andrews are redefining evangelism.

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A Street BBQ

September 14, 2015

We have another story to tell you about a small group service project. This one is about community. About starting new relationships. About stepping outside our front door and breaking down imaginary walls between neighbors.

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A Night of Ice Cream and Dancing

August 31, 2015

When our small group decided to do a service project together, we talked through the different things each of us had to offer. One of the couples on our small group used to teach East Coast Swing lessons to college students. My husband and I own an ice cream store in town. We thought, ‘There must be someone out there who needs ice cream and dancing!’

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