
Relief in Myanmar

April 15, 2021

Our friends in Myanmar have been able to deliver essential food supplies to over 150 families so far. There’s still time to give!

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How We Steward Our Financial Resources

March 2, 2021

Church budgets, money and such… Thank you for trusting us with what God has called you to give.

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Join us for a Zoom call!

February 18, 2021

Join a very special video call to hear updates from our partners on the impact of your gift to the Christmas Offering!

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Mercy | Your Impact

January 21, 2021

You gave a total of $173,509 towards The Pando Collective, The Exodus Road, and 1,000 Lighthouses through the 2020 Christmas Offering!

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330 Pairs of Socks for Christmas

December 15, 2020

Because of your generosity, we delivered 330 pairs of socks and $120 worth of much needed shampoo and lotion bottles to the Salvation Army!

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Out Of The Ashes

August 17, 2020

The light will rise to bring hope. An update from Lebanon and ways to support our partners in Beirut.

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It’s Not About the Money

March 26, 2019

In overseeing the budget of our church, my understanding about money has shifted. I’ve seen first hand what happens when generous people are focused on a worthwhile purpose. I care about our purpose. I care about the space God is creating here. I want to ask you to invest your heart in God’s purposes with me.

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The Top Two Questions About Money

January 18, 2017

Church is first and foremost a spiritual thing. But we all know that in our world a church also exists as an organization. And like any organization, we have to make wise decisions about a whole host of practical things like spending money.

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Making the World a Less Lonely Place

December 5, 2016

Our friendships with each other are central to everything we do here at Pulpit Rock. Loving each other flows through everything we do because we value making the world a less lonely place.

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On Lightbulbs and Such

November 2, 2016

I was was recently reminded how many little things – things that I never think about – are needed to keep life smooth and functioning. Things like lightbulbs. Pulpit Rock Church exists to help people journey with God. And we can’t do that without lightbulbs.

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