
Where two or more are gathered…

September 30, 2019

After leaving her community in Denver to move to Colorado Springs, Hannah was lonely and craved female friendship. When God suggested she start a Bible Study, she said “no thanks.” But as is often the case, God’s plan was so much bigger than she could have imagined.

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Understanding our own needs helps us to see the needs of others.

August 12, 2019

When we met, we had both been married previously. We thought that because we had navigated marriage successfully before, we knew what we were doing and pretty much had it figured out. Boy, were we naïve!

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Orbit: A Small Group for Young Adults

July 10, 2019

In high school, small groups played a huge part in the development and consistency of my faith, and gave me relationships and connections. In college it’s not as easy to make those connections. With Orbit, we can sit with each other, remember that we are not alone and be reminded that God has a beautiful plan for our lives.

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Becoming closer to each other through God

July 8, 2019

We started a marriage class at the same time we started attending Pulpit Rock. We thought this class would be a great way to meet couples and build community with good people who are committed to each other and God. What we didn’t know or expect was how much this class would help our marriage.

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What is Spiritual Formation?

July 1, 2019

With the recent transition in leadership, Thomas begins a new role as Pastor of Spiritual Formation. Here he explains what this means and how rather than being a bystander in our own spiritual lives, we can step out and become active participants with God in our spiritual formation.

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Leadership Transition at Pulpit Rock Church

June 25, 2019

While change is sometimes scary, it is also exciting because it means that God is moving and we are responding. That is why we are really excited to share with you a big change that is happening for our church family over the next couple months. 

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Would you like to be baptized?

June 19, 2019

Telling stories are a big part of what we do here, and baptism is essentially telling two stories – first that Jesus died and was buried, but then rose from the dead and is alive. And second that you believe this happened and that you became a new creation when you decided to follow Jesus.

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A New Season for Adults at Pulpit Rock

June 14, 2019

We are so excited to tell you about some new things in the works for the men and women of Pulpit Rock! God has been stirring some big things into the hearts of a few people we’d like to introduce you to.

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Seeing issues as people changed my whole perspective.

June 8, 2019

When I began to view LGBT+ related questions as not just about issues but about people, it changed things. My views of what behaviors the Bible condones and condemns did not change, but my views of how I ought to approach people who were created in the image of God were significantly changed.

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Jim and Mary Williams standing together in front of a pond.

How We Rebuilt Our Marriage

June 4, 2019

We’d been married for about four years.  We had two kids and had moved to Santiago, Chile to serve as missionaries.  We were – or so we thought – mature Christian laborers striving to advance the gospel.  But, under the surface of our seemingly healthy marriage, Mary and I were wrestling with deep issues that we were hardly aware of. 

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