Tiah Ciganek

Romans 6: The one about sinning more?

October 8, 2023

October 8th, 2023 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland The scariness of hell has never changed a heart of stone. It is the beauty of eternal life that changes the heart.

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On broken marriages and the role of the church…

October 5, 2023

Something has been happening this year. I’ve served in ministry in churches for 26 years (at Pulpit Rock for 19 of those years), and in all my time being involved in leadership in communities of faith, I have never experienced a year of marriage struggles within the community like we have this year. Something has … Read more

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A few days away from CityServe!

October 2, 2023

We all know about Jesus’ commission to his disciples [us] to be “sent as the Father sent me” (John 20:21). Often times it can be hard to figure out how to be sent into our culture, our world, our city, and be good news and light to others. CityServe, through CosILoveYou provides a perfect way … Read more

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Romans 4 & 5: The one about getting saved…again

October 1, 2023

Speaker Jonathan Cleveland | October 1, 2023 Faith is us learning to trust that promise and when we do it will change our actions.

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Street BBQ

September 27, 2023

Ten years ago, our church offered assistance to those with ‘game changer’ ideas they wanted to pursue. We had a desire to organize a street BBQ event, but it felt somewhat daunting. The offer of financial support provided us with the motivation to move forward with our plan. The attached picture is from our 10th … Read more

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Romans 3: The one about the brothers

September 24, 2023

September 24th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland | Romans 3 Sin is about being oriented towards self not towards God. And we will never really understand what sin is or how the Gospel frees us from sin until we understand that.

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Mother + Daughters Event Experience!

September 20, 2023

The Mother/Daughter overnighter at Great Wolf Lodge was this past week, and we had so much fun. We painted toenails, had a dance party, rode lots of water slides, and ate yummy donuts. But we also sang worship songs together, encouraged each other by speaking words of life over each other, and grew closer to … Read more

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The Good Book: Understanding the Context

September 18, 2023

September 17, 2023 | Christy Penley Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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Meals for the Kingdom

September 13, 2023

From Bunkbeds to Meals For a number of years, the Love Your Neighbor Bunkbed Team has served families in our community by building bunk beds for foster families, kinship families, and at-risk families who are providing safe places for kids to sleep. This is a ministry that has grown and had so much impact all … Read more

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The Good Book: Asking better questions

September 10, 2023

Speaker: Kyle Collins The word of God is only alive and active when it’s connected to the Word made flesh… Jesus

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