Tiah Ciganek

ReBible: EP 2 | The Bible is a Library of Books

November 17, 2022

ReBible: EP 2 | The Bible is a Library of Books In this episode Kyle, Jonathan and Caitlin talk about how the bible is not one book, but an entire library of books with varied purpose and design. Why knowing and understanding the different genres is so important, how we can’t read each of them in exactly the … Read more

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Acts: Deacon

November 13, 2022

November 13th | Acts 6 | Jonathan Cleveland We have to observe that everyone has a voice in the community of faith.

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Acts: Wide Awake Faith

November 6, 2022

November 6th, 2022 | Acts 5:17-42 | Suzy Bates There’s a wildness and a wonder to the Kingdom of God that exists outside of the things we let confine us.

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Acts: The Worst Story

October 30, 2022

October 30th, 2022 | Acts 4-36, 5-16 It is not the sin you’re obsessed with. It is what the sin promises to do for you. That is what we are obsessed with. And that is what Jesus ultimately wants to heal in us.

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Partner Spotlight | Steve & Carol Rugg

October 26, 2022

How did you first get involved with your ministry? Carol was connected to The Navigators as a new believer first going to the University of Illinois.  The Navigators helped her learn to walk with God, and how to help others do the same.  She grew in making disciples during college, and was invited to join … Read more

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Acts: Undistractable

October 26, 2022

October 23rd, 2022 | Acts 4:23-35 The events of our world are not outside of the sphere of God’s control, even when enemies of God do things.

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ReBible: EP 1 | What is the Purpose of Scripture?

October 21, 2022

ReBible: EP 1 | What is the Purpose of Scripture? We introduce the ReBible Podcast and talk about what scripture says about itself regarding its purpose. Kyle walks through how knowing that purpose helps us ask better questions that can lead to deeper growth and formation.

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Acts: Empowered

October 17, 2022

October 16th, 2022 | Acts 4:1-22 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

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Partners Spotlight | The Campbell’s

October 10, 2022

ITES GRADUATION & SURPRISE OPPORTUNITY Surprise! Charley was invited to teach 14 fairly new converts from an ethnic group closed to the Gospel for many years. Charley studied their ethnic group in seminary years ago. They left their country to come to Dakar for the teaching. So God brought them to Charley in a manner … Read more

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Acts: Healing

October 9, 2022

October 9th, 2022 | Acts 3:1-26 God is more interested in our willingness to be a miracle than our desire to see a miracle.

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