Tiah Ciganek

Sexual Wholeness: Other People’s Sexuality

February 19, 2023

February 19th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland Jesus saw sexually broken people as whole people. He loved them and saw them as more than their brokenness. He invited them to faith. He defended them and helped them. And he spoke kindly with them abo

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February 15, 2023

Hey parents, We are wrapping up our church-wide series on sexual wholeness, whew! I’ll be honest, when it comes to parenting, I have yet to see one subject matter totally wreck parents more than the topic of sex and sexuality in relation to their kids. And I have yet to experience any subject matter totally … Read more

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Sexual Wholeness: Sex with Sin

February 12, 2023

February 12th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland God loves us so deeply. But that means not only does he embrace us at our worst. It also means he longs for us to become our truest self.

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“My Neighbor, My Friend”

February 8, 2023

Living Sent: Meet Rey & Lydia Reyes. They are part of the Pulpit Rock community and have attended both the Living Sent class at PRC a year ago, and more recently, were part of the Imagine Missional Cohort that met at CityHub along with three other churches. These two learning communities they attended have really … Read more

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Sexual Wholeness Part 1: Reflection & Discussion Guide

February 5, 2023

This is a guide to accompany our sermon series on Sexual Wholeness. Over the next several weeks we will release a guide like this each Sunday along with the sermon. In it you will find reflection & discussion questions, passages of scripture and additional resources to help you have conversations with your small group, friends … Read more

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Sexual Wholeness: Sex Before Sin

February 5, 2023

February 5th. 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland In the expression of sexuality no one was a body. Everyone was a person connected to God bearing the image of God.

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Sexuality in a Broken World

February 1, 2023

I recently took a class through Denver Seminary on sexuality in a broken world.  My eyes were opened to the increase of incest and abuse throughout the pandemic because many kids were left unattended at home.  My heart was broken at the levels of pornography, fantasy within marriage, and atypical sexual disorders that are steadily … Read more

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ReBible: EP 3 | For Our Time, But Not About Our Time

January 31, 2023

ReBible: EP 3 | For Our Time, But Not About Our Time In this episode Kyle, Rowland and Caitlin talk about how the bible is ancient and our reading and interpretation must be rooted In context and history. They talk about respecting its age and audience as we read it and explore the idea that … Read more

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Acts: Tabitha

January 29, 2023

January 29th | Acts 9 | Jonathan Cleveland The ordinary skills God has given us, done in love and in Jesus name, are the primary tool God will use to change the world.

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Travels to Ethiopia

January 25, 2023

Just before Thanksgiving Luke Wrobleski and I got the opportunity to travel for a quick 3 days in country to visit with our friends and partners at Leku Keta Church in Ethiopia. We wanted to encourage and reconnect with them since it had been several years since we were able to travel and we also … Read more

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