Hannah Unger

Watching the Sawdust Fly

November 16, 2021

Our Love Your Neighbor team got to spend 10 days in Uganda with The Remnant Generation, setting up a woodshop and teaching basic woodworking skills!

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Micah Part 2

November 14, 2021

May we put our hope in the only leader who brings us lasting security.

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Micah Part 1

November 7, 2021

Jesus is the only example we should look to when it comes to managing the power we have.

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Formation Table | Ep. 3: Victory Over Brokenness

November 4, 2021

God wants to give us victory over our sinful desires, our unhealthy thinking, and our wounds. It’s not about relying on our own willpower, but having the humility to depend on our Heavenly Father.

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea Part 3

October 31, 2021

After running away from Him and pursuing other things, what is the way back home to God?

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Dance Parties & Pillow Fights

October 26, 2021

This Women’s Getaway in the mountains was such a sweet time filled with new friends and truth-filled messages!

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea Part 2

October 24, 2021

The broken longings of our heart drive us to unhealthy behaviors that cannot satisfy our hunger for a relationship with God.

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea Bonus Content

October 18, 2021

How do we interpret what the Bible says on submission and marriage?

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The 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea Part 1

October 17, 2021

God has a dream for us and Him. He doesn’t just want our behavior… He wants our hearts.

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His Love Changes Us

October 14, 2021

His perfect love is meant to change us! Follow along with us in the Reading Plan.

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