Hannah Unger

Armchair Experts: Midwives of Justice

August 9, 2020

We are God’s spiritual midwives, ushering in His kingdom.

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Re-Launching Kids Min

August 4, 2020

There is so much excitement as we take steps to re-launch our programs! Things will look a little different this season as we seek to serve your family in the best of ways.

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Armchair Experts: Jesus as the Good Shepherd

August 2, 2020

The Good Shepherd leads, protects, and sacrifices Himself for His sheep.

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Technology 101

July 29, 2020

Most of us struggle in some way or another when it comes to technology. We’re here to answer your questions and make sure that connecting is as simple as possible!

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Armchair Experts: Ears to Hear

July 26, 2020

God is a guiding God. He longs to speak to us. Are we tuned in to His voice?

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Everywhere You Look

July 21, 2020

We are still the church during these times. The beauty of being dispersed is that when the church is all over the city, then the Kingdom is spreading out also.

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Armchair Experts: Who Are Your People?

July 19, 2020

James 1:27 | Finding the people you’re called to care for with your unique gifts and talents.

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Worshipping Where You Work

July 16, 2020

God calls all of us to work as a form of worship, and we are called to work where He places us. Therefore, we can trust that he will equip and prepare us for the work He has given us.

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Armchair Experts: Why Work?

July 12, 2020

2 Thess. 3:6-13 | Work is holy and we can be called to our work.

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Welcome to the Table | Tribalism

July 9, 2020

We have become a segmented culture. Our world is full of mindsets that conflict with our own. How do we reconcile those tensions in our culture and rise above the tribal mindset to become people of unity?

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