Hannah Unger

The Homeschool Insider

September 22, 2020

For those of you who suddenly find yourself trying to homeschool your kiddos, we want to share great tips, fresh ideas, and encouragement from two amazing moms who’ve been at this for a while. 

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The Letter of James: Doers Who Act

September 20, 2020

The blessing does not come in studying the Word of God, but in doing the Word of God.

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September 17, 2020

Renaming our Women’s Ministry! This is a place to come find daily renewal. This is a place to find women who desperately (as much as we don’t want to admit) want and need an authentic and welcoming community.

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Welcome to the Table | Victory

September 16, 2020

To have victory, we have to receive what we don’t have from the God who loves us. We have to be vulnerable, for His power is made perfect in weakness. Being vulnerable and admitting our shame and brokenness lets us embrace our new identity in Christ.

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Creating for the Kingdom

September 15, 2020

Our Grove kiddos jumped at the opportunity to use their creativity to make encouraging cards to send to residents and staff at assisted living facilities!

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The Letter of James: Temptation

September 13, 2020

We don’t fight our temptations by fighting harder, but by yielding to God.

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Knowing the Face of God

September 10, 2020

There is no deeper, more intense human longing than to know God is real and to see Him face to face. Join us as we share our own experiences while learning from Tim Stafford’s new perspectives on that most important relationship.

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Welcome to the Table | Kingdom

September 9, 2020

The Kingdom is coming. God is at work all around us. We can be part of that work by displaying the Kingdom through who we are and who God created us to be in the world.

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Replacing Fear With Excitement

September 8, 2020

There is SO MUCH potential for PRiSM this Fall. And we can’t wait! Here’s what’s happening.

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The Letter of James: Trial

September 6, 2020

Trials exist for a purpose. And what God promises to create in you through the suffering is worth having!

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