Hannah Unger

The Letter of James: Our Words Matter

October 11, 2020

Our words matter. May we use our tongues to encourage, to build up, to restore, to proclaim, and in every way bring life.

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CityServe 2020

October 8, 2020

One of the CityServe projects Pulpit Rock partnered in this year was at Panorama Middle School. Though the project changed last minute, we were still able to be a huge blessing to the school’s teachers and staff!

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Welcome to the Table | Scripture as our Anchor

October 8, 2020

As believers, we want to be driven by the Kingdom and the Gospel in how we interact with our world… including politics. We must let Scripture anchor us rather than a political party’s platform, and we must remember that our security is ultimately found in the Lord.

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Journeying Through James

October 6, 2020

We just finished the first month of reading through the Letter of James. These people are reading right alongside you… and here’s what they learned as they read through God’s Word.

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The Letter of James: Active Faith

October 4, 2020

What we believe is true changes how we live. It’s impossible to have real faith in God that has no effect on us.

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Evenings Like These

October 1, 2020

The warm air was filled with upbeat music, lively conversation and peals of laughter. Kids, teens and adults alike participated. The Block Party was truly a family affair.

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But We Have Hope

September 29, 2020

Despite the darkness in this world, we have hope. Hope in a Savior who is at work restoring all that is broken.

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The Letter of James: Partiality & Favoritism

September 27, 2020

Our faith in Jesus is meant to be a gift to one another and to the world. It is meant to restore our broken relationships.

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In Bolivia

September 24, 2020

The last year in Bolivia has been a challenging one… One of our strategic partners, Kara Gowler, shares about the struggles of political unrest, the coronavirus, and transitioning to online school.

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Welcome to the Table | Partners

September 24, 2020

We can’t do it alone. We need fellow believers alongside us as we seek the purposes of God and chase after the Kingdom together. Are we seeking relationships that are centered around what God is calling us to?

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