Hannah Unger

Learning From One Another

October 29, 2020

Our hope is that your second time reading through the Letter of James has revealed new truths, and that you have been able to experience his words in different ways than you did the first time through.

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Welcome to the Table | The Kingdom First

October 29, 2020

As believers, we already have a King. As we make decisions, we must remember that His Kingdom is independent of the ups and downs of this nation. So how do we approach voting in a Kingdom-centered way?

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Hidden in Him

October 27, 2020

Those identities that may have fit you at one time might no longer serve you. We have to learn to take those old things off so that we can put something else on.

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The Letter of James: Embracing Humility

October 25, 2020

There is no spiritual quality that has a greater impact on the bottom line of our spiritual life more than humility.

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And the CarePortal Church of the Year Is…

October 22, 2020

CarePortal picked YOU as the 2020 CarePortal Church of the Year! You are known as the people that aren’t afraid to step up and choose to love your neighbors on a regular basis.

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Welcome to the Table | &, not Or

October 21, 2020

Shifting to &, not Or gives us the ability to hold two things that seem in conflict. It allows politics to become discipleship when we express our position on an issue in a way that reflects Christ.

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Loving Our Lebanese Neighbors

October 20, 2020

As the Love Your Neighbor team grows and loves more people across our city, doors are being opened that allow us to love our neighbors around the world.

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The Letter of James: Overcoming Conflict

October 18, 2020

If we want to be people who make peace around us, we have to let Jesus deal with some piece inside us.

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Welcome to the Table | False Choices

October 15, 2020

We often get trapped by false choices – we’re constantly told we have to pick a side. But, it’s okay to see things on both sides that reflect Scripture. Jesus refused to be put in a box by choosing a side. He let the Kingdom rather than the question drive His answers.

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So Kids Don’t Have to Sleep on the Floor

October 13, 2020

It was amazing to see everyone come together and support this year’s LYN Bedding Drive! What a great opportunity we have to help the very kids that our Heavenly Father loves so much.

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