Hannah Unger

Mercy | 1,000 Lighthouses

November 25, 2020

A lighthouse is a structure designed to be a beacon of light. And just like a lighthouse, we were made to give hope and light during times like these.

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A Light in the Darkness…

November 22, 2020

When the world is hopeless, we are called to lead others to eternal hope. How can we do that if our hope is not built on Christ?

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Mercy | The Pando Collective

November 19, 2020

How can we as believers spread out to produce new growth in our city by partnering with Weigh Out Ministries through The Pando Collective?

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The Letter of James: Living with the End in Mind

November 15, 2020

If we live with the end in mind, we develop a mindset of hope and expectation that God is about to act.

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Mercy | The Exodus Road

November 12, 2020

What does it look like for us to start praying with our feet – to take up the cause of the oppressed and marginalized?

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New Old Traditions

November 10, 2020

We had so much fun at the Great Pumpkin Family Event! The work our amazing staff puts into these events is such a gift.

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The Letter of James: Sidekick Theology

November 8, 2020

The story we are caught up in is not primarily about us. And that should change our judgements, how we hold our plans, and how we view our wealth.

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Christmas Offering 2020 | Mercy

November 5, 2020

With this year’s Christmas Offering, we have the opportunity to put our faith into action, to partner together in God’s Kingdom work, and to show His Mercy to those around us.

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We Already Have a King

November 3, 2020

During one of the most contentious elections in our lifetimes, we could use a few scriptural anchors to guide us through what is expected to be an interesting month of reaction in our nation.

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Roots, Reparations, & Reconciliation

November 1, 2020

Jesus used His life as the Reparation to Reconcile us and transform our Roots so that we can positively impact our neighbors.

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