Hannah Unger

Advent 2020 | LOVE

December 21, 2020

Love requires action in order to be fully seen and experienced. But we were never meant to be enough or have enough to fix everything on our own.

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In the Waiting… LOVE

December 20, 2020

We wait WITH Love, for a Love that has come and is always coming.

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Advent 2020 | JOY

December 17, 2020

We don’t find joy. It’s not been lost. It is already given to us; it’s the presence of God in and around us at all times – whether we “feel” it or not.

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330 Pairs of Socks for Christmas

December 15, 2020

Because of your generosity, we delivered 330 pairs of socks and $120 worth of much needed shampoo and lotion bottles to the Salvation Army!

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In the Waiting… JOY

December 13, 2020

In the midst of mourning, grief, and heartbreak, walking daily in God’s fullness is the only way we can find true joy.

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Advent 2020 | PEACE

December 9, 2020

During this precious Advent season, may the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit overwhelm us with His Peace.

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In the Waiting… PEACE

December 6, 2020

Lasting peace comes from letting God replace our inner voice with His voice as He walks with us through hard circumstances.

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Advent 2020 | HOPE

December 3, 2020

This season, we get to celebrate the Savior that came to give us a solid hope in the only reliable result: Himself!

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Thanks for reading James with us!

December 1, 2020

Thank you for participating in this reading plan with us and sharing your stories with us! It has been a privilege to walk alongside and learn from one another throughout this James journey.

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In the Waiting… HOPE

November 29, 2020

He is with us in the waiting. We have hope because we know that in the fullness of time, He will redeem all things.

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