Hannah Unger

Whole Care | What is Spiritual Formation – Part 1

March 11, 2021

JM DeFoggi and Thomas Thompson explore how they have shifted from spiritual maturity towards spiritual formation.

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SENT | 1,000 Lighthouses

March 11, 2021

We want to continue to invest in helping people who have been displaced. The Lighthouse ministry that was started at Tyre Church develops community centers that serve refugee camps in 5 middle eastern countries. These centers meet tangible needs for food, job training/income, clothing, education, medical care and the Gospel.

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SENT | The Pando Collective

March 11, 2021

Through the Pando Collective, we are looking for local expressions of the Kingdom that we can partner with and support. One of our first big initiatives is with Weigh Out Ministries. We want to help with funds to establish community centers on the southeast part of town that can be hubs for teens in the community.

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SENT | The Exodus Road

March 11, 2021

Over the next 2 years, we want to walk with the Exodus Road in expanding their investigations in Southeast Asia into the Philippines. They are developing an after-care pilot program called “Beyond Rescue” aimed at young women and men who are over 18 and want to leave the sex industry but have few options.

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SENT | Building Bunk Beds

March 11, 2021

Luke Wrobleski and Brian Worster tell the story of how a few pieces of lumber can change a family forever.

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SENT | Ask a Mom – Part 2

March 11, 2021

The Ask-a-Moms share how God has worked in their own lives as they talk to college students.

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SENT | Ask a Mom – Part 1

March 11, 2021

Three moms talk about stepping on a college campus for the first time in decades, and seeing God at work.

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SENT | Helping People Discover Themselves – Part 3

March 11, 2021

Katie Beth and Nate share some of their favorite stories of life change.

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SENT | Helping People Discover Themselves – Part 2

March 11, 2021

Katie Beth and Nate continue talking about how God is using Lifeworkx worldwide.

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SENT | Helping People Discover Themselves – Part 1

March 11, 2021

Katie Beth and Nate Huntley share about their worldwide experiences seeing lives changed.

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