Last week was an extraordinary week in America. There is a lot of fear and anger. In many ways our nation feels more fragmented and divided than it did a week ago. Setting aside political affiliations for a moment, how do we walk as Christ followers in these days?
We pray for our nation and ourselves.
We offer ourselves to you.
This week has revealed things in us. Our fears. Our frustrations. Our desensitivity to sin. Our hidden pride and superiority. Our misplaced hopes and comforts. Even possibly subtle strains of racism or judgment of others has surfaced.
We have much to repair with our reputations. May our seeking justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God speak louder than all our posts and rants.
Forgive us. Work in us to refocus us on the people you call us to be.
We offer our neighbors to you.
We have neighbors who are afraid. Who feel threatened or anxious. Jesus, you told us to weep with those who weep. You did not tell us to judge whether or not they should be weeping.
So, God, may we weep with our neighbors. May we listen hear their hearts, without debate or denial.
May we speak up for all those who fear. For minorities, for refugees, for those who feel targeted or rejected. May we let them know we will not forget them or ignore them. May we work as followers of Christ to love and give ourselves for them, as Christ has done for us.
We offer our nation to you.
Lord, help us be a people that defend the weak and give voice to the voiceless. Help us treat each other as image bearers of our creator.
May we look not only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. Give us the heart of Christ to truly love our neighbors. Show us how we as the church can lead out in healing and restoring.
And we offer our President Elect Trump to you.
May the weight of leadership he is about to assume drive him to his knees in prayer. We ask you to surround him with godly people, and he would listen to wise counsel.
We pray he will govern differently than he campaigned. May he unite us and not divide.
May he protect life, all life, and help him respect all people, especially the vulnerable and the voiceless in our nation.
In all of this, we hold to you as people of hope. For this we rise and strive: that we who follow you, Christ, shine in the days ahead as we heal and rebuild the deserted ruins.
Then may we be known as the Repairers of the Breach and the Restorers of Homes.