A Sunday for Sabbath

November 27, 2015 | Written by

bedWhile recovering from the destruction of our auditorium, we have been bending our ears to listen to God. God is speaking to us in our displacement.

I believe God wants to speak to us in 2016 about journeying with him with sustainabilityhealth, and rest.

I will be sharing more of this in our services on January 3, but for now here is what you should know:

We have decided to not have church activities on December 27th.

This is for two reasons:

  1. Part of my job is to monitor the need for rest in our church and act accordingly. This has been a season of high stress on our facility and volunteers. By the 27th, we will all need a break. 
  2. Developing a life of sustainability means knowing how to rest and take Sabbath. Sometimes, not attending or serving in church is a Sabbath act. I will teach more on healthy Sabbath early next year.

What could you do instead that day? 

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Go for a walk with family.
  3. Have brunch with your small group or that neighbor who has been on your heart.
  4. Sit with your loved ones and reflect on what God has taught you in 2015.
  5. If you want to engage in some time of worship and teaching, we will be putting together a devotional guide for that morning that you can use.

Of course, you could always go to pulpitrock.com and catch up on a sermon you missed. (Come on, you couldn’t have heard them all).

For some of us, this will be a morning with some displacement. It may feel weird, or even wrong.
As we are learning, I encourage you to lean into the displacement with God.

Let’s use this day to begin the conversation about how to journey with God with sustainability.

Written by Thomas Thompson


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