We’re trying out something new in our Children’s Ministry…
Kingdom Kids will be not be meeting on the 5th Sundays to allow you to worship with our entire church body by attending service with your family.
In fact, every 5th Sunday between now and June 2016 (there are three of them … Nov. 29th, Jan 31st & May 29th) we are encouraging families to worship together.
There are several reasons we are trying this out:
- We are passionate about the importance of families worshipping together and kids experiencing large group worship at a young age.
- Our family services went so well in October that we want to see them happen more often.
- Because 5th Sundays only occur once a quarter, it complicates volunteer schedule coordination. This will ease the stress of trying to schedule volunteers for these random Sundays.
- This will give our Lead Shepherds a few breaks throughout the year. They serve weekly in the classroom and we are thankful that they will have a Sunday to re-energize every so often. Rest is important to keep a ministry running well.
This is an experiment. We will evaluate next year to see if this was a beneficial change or if we need to try something else on 5th Sundays.
Please note that our Early Childhood programs (Nursery & Preschool) are still happening on 5th Sundays.