As Thomas has been leading us through Ecclesiastes, I have been giving thought to how disruptive discontentment is.
I have found when I allow it to take root, it ends up being all consuming. It may be just one thing that I am dissatisfied with, but before long the feeling has spilled over into other areas of my life. Even to my relationships.
Discontentment stalls the process of transformation; how I process and respond to life circumstances. All at once I notice I am wearing the “me” lens. Everything begins to evolve around me. It is certainly not a healthy place to be, spiritually.
One of the saddest effects of embracing discontentment is that it robs me of joy in the present. I am so preoccupied with discontent, I miss out on what is good. Consequently, I am not taking notice of God’s presence and provision. I lose sight of opportunities to join Him in his work.
I am trusting God to speak into my life today regarding seeds of discontentment that may be trying to take root. I believe there is always a path of joy in every circumstance … I just have to choose it.
Written by Diane Stermer
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