The Practice of Visio Divina

March 24, 2022 | Written by Caitlin Garrett & Hannah Eads

Jesus Christ – The Good Shepherd by Kiko Argüello

Visio Divina (or divine seeing) is the practice of prayerfully inviting God to speak to your heart as you look at an image. Creativity is a gift from God, and we can use works of art to encounter Him. It can be done by yourself or with others, and is great to do with kids!

We’ve put together a Visio Divina Pinterest Board full of images to ponder as you engage in this season of Lent.

For those who have never tried anything like this before, we want to help walk you through a sample Visio Divina practice!

Solid Ground by James Janknegt

Find an image |
You can use an image or real piece of any kind of art. Find some parable specific images on our Pulpit Rock Visio Divina Pinterest Board. Ask the Lord to speak to you. Take a moment to get comfortable and settle into God’s presence.

Focus small | Look at the image and let your eyes stay with the first thing you notice. Keep your focus on that small part for about a minute or so. What draws you to this specific piece of the image?

Focus on the whole | Now look at the entire image. Take your time and look at every part. Notice the shapes and the colors. Notice the lines and the details. Look for symbols.

Reflect | How do you feel looking at the image? What does the image stir up in you? If you had to describe the image in a sentence or two what would you say? If you were in the image, where would you place yourself? Do you get a glimpse of the sacred from this image? What might God be saying to you through this image?

Pray | Finish with a prayer. If desired, keep the image in a place you can see it throughout the day. You can journal or practice your own creativity with the image and what He shows you as inspiration.

We hope you’ll continue to lean into this season of Lent with us. We’ve put together a Lenten Experience Guide full of helpful resources and ways you can participate in these weeks leading up to Easter!

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