Serve With Us!

February 24, 2022 | Written by Pulpit Rock Staff

One of the ways that we get to participate in our community of faith is by investing our resources of time, gifts and talents with the people of Pulpit Rock.

As believers, we have the opportunity to serve one another as Christ did. Serving on Sunday mornings also provides an opportunity to grow in community that is a reflection of God’s love, kindness and grace!

Whether you enjoy making coffee, helping others feel welcome or serving behind the scenes, singing or running tech, helping lead kids or walking alongside students, or something else – there’s a space for you!

Below are some ways you can participate…


Room set up | Much needed behind the scenes help in making sure the Sanctuary is ready for worship on Sunday mornings.

Greeters | Smiling faces and helpful hearts who can welcome others, especially now when connection may still feel challenging. 20-30 minute time slots before both services.

Coffee Bar | Baristas willing to make coffee, take orders, and serve donuts before first or second services!

Coffee Bar Clean-Up | Clean-up at the Coffee Bar during or after second service. Clearing counters, putting away supplies, and some dishwashing. 15-20 minutes.

If you’re interested in serving in one of these areas, reach out to Caitlin and Mary.


Band Team | Musicians (drums, keys, electric guitar) and vocalists. *Auditions are required.

AV/Tech Team | Computer and slide operators, trained sound techs and video and lighting operators. *Training provided.

If you’d like to audition for one of these teams, contact Cindy.

Kids Min…

Help from parents and adults in Kids Ministry is vital in this early phase; as the kids learn to know God’s love, to trust God’s character and to experience being a part of God’s family!

Welcome Counter | Help new families feel welcome as they join us for their first time in Kids Min. Before first (8:45AM-9:15AM) or second (10:15AM-10:45AM) services. Please reach out to Mary if you are interested or have any questions! 

Trail Guides | Leaders for our Sprouts (5/K, 1st and 2nd grades) or Saplings (3rd and 4th grades).

  • Serve in a leadership role for early-elementary age kids. These volunteers serve each week or every other week with a co-lead serving alternate weeks.
  • All curriculum and supplies will be planned and prepped for each Trail Guide (leader) as they facilitate activities such as crafts, games, discussions, and more!

Adult Helpers | Assistants for our Sprouts (5/K, 1st and 2nd grades) or Saplings (3rd and 4th grades).

  • Serve once a month as an assistant to the Trail Guide as they lead the group.

Switchbacks | Special Helpers who use unique strategies to make the “climb up the mountain” a bit easier.

  • Serve once a month as a buddy with a kiddo who is in need of extra guidance or care as they participate in our Sunday morning activities in The Grove.
  • These volunteers will provide focused care on their buddy, use redirection techniques and strive to help the kiddos feel at ease during the program.

Student Leaders | Assistants for our Sprouts (5/K, 1st and 2nd grades) or Saplings (3rd and 4th grades).

  • Middle school or high school age students who serve as often as every week or as they are available as an assistant to the Trail Guide as they lead the group.

If you’re interested in helping out in Kids Min or have questions, please contact Lindsay!


Here are some ways you can partner with us to offer our 5th-12th grade students the gift of your time, compassion, and presence.  

CORE Group Leaders | Attend student programs throughout the year to engage in and facilitate discussions with your small group of students and partner with department directors to interact with your students outside of church. 

Teachers and Guest Speakers | Share Biblical truths with students in a relevant, engaging way using a pre-designed curriculum. And participate by telling part of your story as it relates to our weekly message. We grow through story and hearing from multiple voices even if you don’t consider yourself a teacher.  

Worship Leaders | Create memorable and relevant experiences for students through your love of music. 

Logistics Support | Cultivate environments by helping set up and teardown for programs and events, welcome and greet students in the lobby with warmth and enthusiasm, and generate the hype by facilitating games. 

Our desire is for students to be seen, known, and loved, and it takes a team to do that well. If you’re interested in serving with our Student Ministries, contact Heather!

Not sure where you’d like to serve or have other ideas in mind? Fill out this form and we’ll help you get connected!

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