A Successful Spring CityServe

May 8, 2024 | Written by COSILoveYou


Last weekend over 1,800 volunteers showed up for the hurting, struggling and vulnerable neighbors in our City!

People from different ages, backgrounds, socio-economic classes, and demographics – over 80% of whom are affiliated with a local church – came together to love the City with no strings attached.

CityServe is truly a place where “all are welcome to serve and be served.” From homeless shelters to teen drop-in centers; from elementary schools to community centers; from ministry outposts to food pantries – these organizations do some of the hardest work to serve families and vulnerable neighbors year-round, and the support of these volunteers catapulted their work to new heights.

One comment from a facilities manager at a local school highlights the significance of what happens when happy, willing, flexible volunteers show up. “Thanks to all of these volunteers, they got more done in one morning than I could get done by myself in an entire summer break! Now, I’ll be able to finish the school year knowing I’ll be able to get to some other projects that have been stacking up.”

These 1800 volunteers, spread across 115 projects, provided a collective impact of over $160,000 across the City of Colorado Springs and beyond.

If you missed the Spring CityServe, there is still an opportunity to join others to love the City in the Fall. See some of the upcoming events below for ways for your family and friends to be a part of blessing others in the months to come.


Backpack Bash is coming up end of July!

If you love serving, helping, and supporting families, the Backpack Bash is a great way for you to express all the love in one place! On July 27 and August 3, COSILoveYou will host 5 event locations, across which we will distribute 12,000 backpacks full of school supplies to school-age students.

Connect with COSILoveYou here 

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