The Prayer Net

January 27, 2017 | Written by

The net captures the symbolism of Jesus as the fisher of men.

About a year ago, I had a friend send me this article on Facebook about a prayer net.

As I read the article I kept thinking, “What a powerful visual and tangible reminder of our prayers this can be!”

I have been focusing on prayer once a month with our kids and leaders in Kingdom Kids during our large group worship time. Prayer is such a crucial part of worship and our personal relationship with the Lord that I want to make sure our kids know they can worship God through prayer anywhere, anytime and that he hears them.

The prayer net is a tangible way for children to understand prayer.

As I explained our prayer net to the kids and leaders on Sunday, I encouraged them to tie a string onto the net with a specific prayer in mind. Then as they come into this room every week, they will be reminded of their prayer by their ribbon. They can continue to pray for that request or even remember how God answered that prayer and praise Him for it.

My hope with this prayer net is that God will use it to begin conversations with kids and their leaders, parents or friends about prayer. Whether it’s how God answers prayers or what those answers look like, kids will be able to remember and process with those who are in positions of influence in their lives.

Will you join me in praying for these kids as we dig deeper into their understanding of God and their relationship with Him?

Written by Katie Beth Huntley


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2 thoughts on “The Prayer Net”

  1. Hello,

    My name is Katie and I would like to ask you to pray for my Mom and I. My Mom adopted me a year ago and I have been struggling with past trauma from repeated sexual abuse events from not only my birth family but many men that were predators as I came into my teen years. Unfortunately, I also witnessed many others being sexually and physically tortured. With the constant abuse I experienced I am having a hard time with going to church and making friends. I have pretty much shut myself off from the world. My Mom has taken me to several Christian counselors her in Iowa but they all tell my Mom that my case is too complex and they aren’t trained to handle complex trauma or multiple personalities.
    My Mom got a book the other week by Heather Davediuk Gingrich called “Restoring the Shattered Self” in hopes that she could learn how to counsel me on her own but it’s not going well. My mom, Jen, feels helpless for me in terms of finding the right counselor. My Mom is hoping that we can get to Colorado so that Heather (the author of the book) can counsel me because she is an expert in the area of complex trauma and multi personalities. My Mom is even willing to move to Colorado for me to be helped but this means she would need to find a high paying job as a sign language interpreter and we would need to find a home that is in a safe/peaceful neighborhood so I don’t get traumatized by rough neighborhoods.

    Please pray that doors would be open to getting me help, getting my Mom a good paying job in Colorado, a safe/peaceful place to live, and for favor in staying on my Mom’s insurance.

    I know Jesus is the ultimate healer but I know He also can use people to in circumstances like ours. Please pray for Jesus to send laborers into our lives. Please stand against any hindrances that the enemy has come up against me and the healing process that is needed to fall to the ground in Jesus’ name. I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Please stand in faith with me and if you have any suggestion to help us please fill free to write me back.

    Humbly Submitted,

    Katie Thompson

    • Precious Katie,
      We would be honored to call out to Jesus with you and for you! Let’s pray right now as you read this: Lord Jesus, we bring Katie before you and as that you draw her closer and closer to you. Would you heal her heart and mind and use what was intended for evil to strengthen her in her weakest parts? Would you fill her life with people who reveal your character and love her back to life in you. Please bring words of wisdom and peace to her mother as she works for restoration; strengthen her and uplift her. Jesus, we pray a calm over Katie and her mom, that you would bring conversation and a closeness and trust that would bind up wounds and lead to new growth. Lord Jesus, we thank you for Katie’s life and how she will be able to profess glory and power in your name! Habakkuk 3:19 says “The Lord God is my strength, my bravery. He will walk me through places of trouble and suffering “. He WILL, Katie. God’s promise!


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