Kids Ministry Service Times | 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

This month in The Grove

God View

The connection between compassion and God’s character, as shown through God’s Big Story.

Think back to a time when someone made time for you. Maybe that looked like caring for you when you were sick, or teaching you how to tie your shoe, making food for you, or teaching you how to read or learn a new skill. No matter what it is, when people make time for us, it can bring us joy. It’s like a light shining on a dark day. Caring for one another isn’t always the easy thing to do, but it certainly is what Jesus asks of us. When Jesus gave the command in Matthew 5 to let our light shine, it wasn’t just to bring joy into each other’s lives, but also to bring glory to God. We are reflections of Who God is, and as we “Live Bright” this month, we’ll discover exactly how we can shine God’s light.

“Let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16, NIrV

This month in Seeds

Bottom Line:
I can love like Jesus.

Memory Verse:

“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14, NIrV

In 1967, a new toy was introduced to the world, and on the box were these words:

Create Beautiful Pictures With . . . Light.

It was the LiteBrite®! The LiteBrite was an instant hit and has remained such a favorite for all these years that families are still having fun making pictures with light. This month, we’re talking about a different kind of bright light. We’re talking about THE light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. And THIS light has a name. His name is Jesus! Each time we choose to love like Jesus, we become a bright light. Just like each LiteBrite peg lights up to make a picture, each and every act of love is a bright light that makes a beautiful picture for the world to see Jesus.

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