Welcome to the Church at Pulpit Rock

Christmas Eve Services at 3:00 PM & 4:30 PM 

Sunday, December 29th at 10:30 AM

Nursery Available during services

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

52 Weeks

God’s given us a pretty amazing place to call home. Here’s what a year of Sunday morning views from the roof of Pulpit Rock looks like. Not too shabby, huh?

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SENT | Bob Waterman | CASA Advocate

Bob Waterman shares about serving as a CASA: “I continue to be amazed at how many children are in the custody of the Department of Social Services and to hear of the trauma that so many children have endured. God wants to rescue these children, let them know they are valuable and that He loves them.”

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Welcome back, roommate!

Look at the face of one of your teacher friends and you will see the grim look of determination that I imagine all the soldiers had right before the boats landed at Normandy. A look that says, “I might not make it through this… but the cause is worth it.” We wanted to thank the GVA staff team for all they do, so the first day back for GVA faculty, we greeted them with breakfast tacos and coffee.

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Grace in the Darkness

“A cave that was the shelter for over 1,000 Okinawans spoke to us. We walked deep into the darkness, sang “Amazing Grace” and learned that embracing truth quite literally brings life.” Erin Ahnfeldt shares about lies, truth and the magnificent power of grace in the midst of darkness.

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SENT | James & Beth Shank | 4th of July Block Party

James and Beth Shank about their 4th of July neighborhood party: “People are longing for community, but rarely is someone willing to step-out of their comfort zone and approach their neighbors. They want community, they need community, they just do not know how to create community.”

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Story Time and Build Project

A few weeks ago we did a special building event for our weekly Story Time. It was a smashing success! We sure do love our kids! [We’d like to give a special shout out to Megan Steinhauser, Luke Wrobleski and our four student helpers for all their hard work.]

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Pancake Evangelism

I was always scared to share my faith. I didn’t know what to say, I wasn’t sure if I could answer hard questions about God, or heaven, or hell. It seemed like evangelism was for people that knew a lot about the Bible and how to answer the hard questions I didn’t know. But each Saturday Kevin and Lydia Andrews are redefining evangelism.

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smiling boy holding ice cream cone |

Ice Cream or Monsters?

Presenting an either/or option of Heaven or Hell to our kids does not serve them well, nor does it serve the love and gospel of Jesus well. Our walk with Jesus is a journey. We choose to lead our kids to a place where they can see where that journey begins and what meaning it holds, so they can choose for themselves to take that first step.

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SENT | Kara Gowler | Teaching in Bolivia

Kara Gowler shares about moving to Bolivia to teach: “For the first time in my life, I consider myself planted until God tells me to move. I am ready to dig in and continue to build relationships with the people God puts around me.”

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We gathered. We celebrated. We worshiped.

Baby dedications. Baptisms. Kids in big church. Food trucks. Inflatable fun. Water guns. Ice cream. In case you missed it, here’s a quick peek at the fun we had last Sunday at our Summer Celebration Service.

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The problem with calling sin “sin” (and some alternatives).

You may have noticed that people don’t really like it when we talk about sin. I wanted to offer a few thoughts and truths that God is using to shape me on this issue. Especially as I consider our voice to the world around us.

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Nepal Womens Conference

You remember the H.E.R. series. By now you probably have a pretty good idea of how we feel about women. But we’re not just putting women in leadership here, our desire to honor, empower and respect women is reaching around the world.

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